You perform a valuable service, it’s all great no-nonsense advice. I wish I had it years ago, Ha, Still, though I’m a backup musician and session player I put links to your blog on my social media and since my wife and I are planning to start a duo when she retires we’ll be using your info as well. Keep it up, you’re an inspiration.
Nice video, thanks! Have been really enjoying your blog chock full of wonderful experiences to share, wisdom and suggestions. Too bad I missed your website review contest! Hope you have another one in the future.
Hey Steve – you know, I have a makeshift video studio set up in the basement with a much better mic and a decent webcam and lighting, but this was entirely done on the iPhone. Glad it sounded ok.
I truly appreciate all that you share with us. You’ve given me so many great ideas.
I’m not currently playing live, but most of your post that I’ve read do pertain, at least in part, to my goal of growing my audio production business. I specialize in musical/theatrical type productions. I work with schools, community clubs, arts councils, county fairs, community events and such.
You’ve helped to give me the confidence to grow and reach out beyond word of mouth contacts. Currently working up more complete business and marketing plans.
Hey Dave;
Thanks for your groovy offerings. I have shared your stuff loads of times on my social media pages.
Slainte, RL
Thanks RL, I appreciate it!
You perform a valuable service, it’s all great no-nonsense advice. I wish I had it years ago, Ha, Still, though I’m a backup musician and session player I put links to your blog on my social media and since my wife and I are planning to start a duo when she retires we’ll be using your info as well. Keep it up, you’re an inspiration.
Thanks Mike! I really appreciate your sharing the info and spreading the word. Send me a link to your playing if you care to – would love to hear it.
Nice video, thanks! Have been really enjoying your blog chock full of wonderful experiences to share, wisdom and suggestions. Too bad I missed your website review contest! Hope you have another one in the future.
Thanks for saying hello Isabel! I might just do that…
Hi Dave, thanks for the video and the blog posts. Always something interesting and stimulating in there!
Great Bob, thanks for letting me know!
Thanks for the shout out …
Can’t tell you how much I appreciate the advice. And I do look forward to your post every Monday.
Great video you made–with an I-phone no less. I’m thinking you must have used an external mic.
Hey Steve – you know, I have a makeshift video studio set up in the basement with a much better mic and a decent webcam and lighting, but this was entirely done on the iPhone. Glad it sounded ok.
Nice, Dave!
I truly appreciate all that you share with us. You’ve given me so many great ideas.
I’m not currently playing live, but most of your post that I’ve read do pertain, at least in part, to my goal of growing my audio production business. I specialize in musical/theatrical type productions. I work with schools, community clubs, arts councils, county fairs, community events and such.
You’ve helped to give me the confidence to grow and reach out beyond word of mouth contacts. Currently working up more complete business and marketing plans.
Again, Thank You!
Joel Glaser
Studio 52
Thanks for the note Joel! I’m glad you’re finding enough value in the articles.