Thank You!
On Friday, October 30, 2015, K-5 teachers from across North America and beyond clicked on a simple link and were joined together online for a live-streamed participatory event they enjoyed with their students from the comfort of the classroom!
24,000-30,000 students celebrated the end of Connected Educator Month with songs, stories, movement, laughter and learning during the first annual “Largest Online Gathering of K-5 Classrooms.”
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“We can not thank you enough for giving the world the opportunity to enjoy your music. What a great experience for all of our students to take part in a history making singalong”
– Sharon Velliquette, Grade 3 Teacher, St Kateri Catholic Academy, Oregon OH
My first graders in Concord, California had a wonderful time! I don’t think they fully understood how global this event was. I am looking forward to sharing the website with them tomorrow so they can see that classes all over the country and world were singing the exact same songs at the exact same time. Thank you for blowing their minds! 🙂
I’m so glad to hear that they enjoyed it, Mrs Ward!
My class absolutely loved this. They loved the songs, but our favorite one was Sasha.
Hello to Ms Pandey’s class – so glad you could be there!
Hallo, mein Name ist Zakirah. Es ist schön, Sie kennen zu lernen. Mein Lieblingslied war das russische Lied
Danke Zakirah
I’m from Miami FL it would be great to meet someone from Germany!
Greetings from Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu, Mandaue City, Philippines!
Congratulations! I can’t wait to share the link to the event’s replay video with our K-5 teachers so that their classes too can participate, enjoy and learn through Music. It was great to hear and watch Dave Ruch play the jaw harp earlier. Ever heard of a “Kubing” before? The Kubing, a bamboo jaw harp, is a traditional musical instrument of Mindanao, the large southern island of the Philippines.
Thank you so much!
Dear Jonas – thank you so much! I know of the bamboo jaw harps of Thailand and Vietnam; I’m happy to learn of yours. The British harps were made of metal and brought to North America with the Pilgrims! They’ve been here ever since. I’ll be sending the video out on Monday.
Thanks Dave! Our students thoroughly enjoyed your sing along! They all have the last song in their head 😉 Thanks again from the students at Académie de la Capitale in Ottawa, Ontario!
My pleasure!
I,m in Miami FL
We really loved the music, how you taught us to do the moves, and how you told us about the instruments – especially the jaw harp! We’re from Red Bank Elementary in Chattanooga Tennessee.
Thanks for being there Red Bank!
My class really enjoyed it. Hopefully we will watch several more concerts this year. Thanks for offering this one for free to get us started.
Glad you could make it Mr H!
We are a 3rd grade class from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. We are learning about cultures all over the world and would love to be Pen Pals with classes from all over the world. If you are interested in being Pen Pals, please contact us at! Currently we are studying Brazil. We had such a good time at our first-ever World-Wide Rock Concert! Thank you for the opportunity, Dave! 🙂
Can’t wait to see the pictures and videos that people send in! Will there be other events this year that we can join?
Thanks for writing in Mrs Kennerly’s class, and hello to all of the 3rd graders! I visited Albuquerque for exactly one day on my honeymoon back in 1998, and loved it there.
I hope you’ll get some Pen Pal takers!
Hi from Tampa, Florida! I loved the concert. My favorite song was the Russian song. Thank you for the great concert! 🙂
You are very welcome! Keep singing…
What is your favorite song to perform?
What is your favorite instrument to play?
Hi Mrs LaForte’s – Great questions. I have hundreds of favorite songs to sing, and my fave instrument is the guitar,
Our 48 third graders loved your performance! They were loud and giddy and excited! Then they voted me the most awesomest teacher!
You clearly ARE the most awesome teacher!
We were tuning in from Milwaukee and my 1st and 2nd grade students LOVED the sing along. They thought it was incredible how Dave could play many different instruments and sing at the same time. Students were wondering how people in other countries would be able to understand the singalong, as it was in English. It sparked lots of interesting discussion! Bravo!!!
Great questions, Mrs Huffman’s class. They say music is the universal language…
We loved the concert. My third grade students say thank you very much! They will be sharing this fantastic event with their families this weekend. We especially liked the Russian song and had great fun participating. We were also very excited when you mentioned Mrs. McKinstry’s class, she is right down the hall from us!
Thanks again. We hope to be able to have this experience again!
Mrs. Scott, 3rd Grade, Woodglen Elementary, New City, NY.
We liked the jaw harp!
Glad to hear that, Mrs’s Scott’s class!
Hello from Mrs. Kennerly’s Class! Our favorite song was the one where Dave used the Jaw Harp. Is there anyone from Brazil here?
Hi Mrs Kennerly’s class – nobody from Brazil, but we did have Columbia, Chile, and NIcaragua .
Do you have a series of videos for kids to watch?
How many instruments do you play?
How old are you and how long have you been playing?
What’s your favorite food?
We give you two thumbs up and we LOVED doing this!
Hi Mrs Z’s class – thanks for all the questions. I play 8 or 9 different instruments, and have been playing since I was 15. I have lots of favorite foods (LOVE food), and I do have a series of programs all year long which you can find on the “Schools – Online Concerts”: page.
We loved that you said our name! Happy Friday! And if it is part o f your tradition ( it is part of some of ours) Happy Halloween. OR Buenos Dia De Las Muertes!
Happy Happy!
We were viewing from Kodiak, Alaska. The Jaw Harp was enjoyed by the students. This was an awesome experience for everyone!!
Great to have you!
We here at PS 246 Poe Cottage School in the Bronx, NY really enjoyed your program. We would like to send you the video we took of the participation please let me know how we can do that. Great Job.
Thanks! Video can be uploaded here.
Hi from Burlington, North Carolina in the United States! We TRULY enjoyed your concert! Thank you for sharing your songs and teaching us about your instruments. Our favorite song was Sasha and we sang it after the concert. It fit perfectly with our global focus of Europe.
Mrs. Huff’s class from Goodnews Bay, Alaska loved all of the songs! We were struggling with our internet connection and ended up with a frozen screen a few times. Can we get a copy of the recorded program?
Mrs. LaForte’s First Graders from Ellington, Connecticut in the United States experienced internet connection issues too. We loved the performance and songs, but would love to get a copy of the recorded program so we could watch it again!
We have an Alex in our classroom so we enjoyed singing the song to him! 🙂
Yes! I’ll be sending it out on MOnday
We watched your performance with our Music teacher from our classroom at Mississippi Heights Elementary School in Sauk Rapids, Minnesota.
We liked singing and learning new songs. We hope you have more performances we can watch and sing along with.
Thank you!
Thanks for being there!
Thank you so much for putting this together for our students all across the world. What an amazing event to take part in. The students were excited and the teachers laughed and played along with you! Looking forward to being apart of your next event. Thank you from 2nd grade at North Star Elementary. 🙂
P.S. Where do we send pictures?
Sounds like a fun place to be! Photos and videos can be uploaded directly from your tablet, smartphone or computer right here.
Thank you! It was awesome! Our favorite song was the Russian one.
Excellent! Thanks for joining in….
hello everone im i flarda
Hello David!
The students and staff at Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton Central School, Gilbertsville, NY, are looking forward to your concert on Friday, October 30.
Our entire Pre-K through 6th Grade will be watching from our auditorium. You are the pre-show to our annual Halloween Parade of Book Characters. That will be over 240 people! We have also invited all our parents to join us! Will take pictures and video for you.
And will give you a count of the number of people in attendance!
Give us a shout out!
Gerrit Bakhuizen
Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton Central School
Gilbertsville, NY
Awesome, Gerrit!
This really nice and it’s going to be worthwhile for the students. We are currently on half term break and we wouldn’t be able to join live. Apart from that we are on a different time zone (Lagos, Nigeria) I was just wondering if I could get it recorded.
Bukola – yes, we will be recording the event and will send the video link to everyone after the event. Great to have you join us.
Greetings from Kodiak, Alaska! Our organization (AKTEACH) helped to spread the word, and now have schools from all across the state signed up. Some large, some small, some urban, and some very rural. Hopefully this effort helped get all 50 signed up. We’re excited to join! Please let me know when other events like this will be coming up, as we seek to connect schools throughout the state with unique opportunities like this. Quyana!
Greetings Anthony from Buffalo NY! Thanks so much for spreading the word to your schools. I just took a look and, so far, I have 32 registrations from AK, from about 20 different schools. It’s wonderful to have you all joining in.
You know, I do virtual presentations and concerts all throughout the school year, but it’s not often that I can do them for free like this one. If you’re interested in seeing the full schedule, you could head over to this page on distance learning concerts.
See you soon!
Hello from Great Meadows, NJ! We are so excited to sing in the World’s Largest K – 5 Concert! We are going to sing so loud that you hear us in Canada! “See” you soon!!
– Mrs. Long (Liberty School Music Grades 3-5)
I’ll be listening for you guys!
We are super excited to participate! Two other classes from our school in Ottawa will be participating too. Looking forward!
Wonderful to have you Mme Nora & Class!
Thanks Dave! 🙂
New as of today (9/21/15) – the message board! Where will you be participating from?
Hello from the Road Runners at Silver Spring in East Providence, Rhode Island! Our motto is Respect, Responsibility, Achievement, and Safety! Go Roadrunners!
Glad to have you, Miss Teixeira’s class!